When it comes to your home, you want the right answers before you get started.​
1. How much does it cost to underpin a house?
In Vancouver, basement underpinning starts at $150/sq ft and the renovation needed (once the underpinning is completed) will usually start at $150/sq ft. This puts your total for an underpinning project at around $300/ sq ft.
2. How is underpinning done?
Underpinning requires digging sections under the existing foundation in phases as to not undermine the structural integrity of your home. Each section is then reinforced with steel rebar and filled with high strength concrete. The process is repeated until the entire foundation has been lowered.
Your newly lowered basement must then have new perimeter drainage installed and foundation waterproofing applied. Once all engineering and municipal inspections have passed, the insulated concrete floor slab is poured, and your new lowered basement is ready to be renovated any way you see fit.
3. How do you fix a wet basement?
Exterior Waterproofing: excavating and exposing the foundation wall to check for leaks and seal with waterproofing and route drainage lines away from your home.
Interior Waterproofing: installs a foundation wall vapor barrier membrane and then create a drainage system that directs water to a sump.
Polyurethane Crack Injection: inject in an expansive resin that fills cavities and creates a flexible seal.
Drain Tile: Pull excess water away from your foundation from the outside.
4. Can water come up through a concrete basement floor?
Yes. Overtime, improper water drainage can erode soil under your foundation and cause tiny cracks in your concrete that can get bigger over time with summer expansion and winter contraction.
5. Do I need to get a permit to perform Basement Lowering?
Yes. Basement lowering is considered a major renovation. Our team will guide you through the process of getting your permits.